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BETA Albanian-English translation for: Josephine\'s
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Dictionary Albanian English: Josephine 's

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S'marr vesh gjë fare.It's all Greek to me.
s'heq dorë nga e imjato stick to one's guns
kimi sulfur {m} <S> [squfur]sulphur <S> [Br.]
proverb Kur s'është macja, mintjë hedhin valle.When the cat's away, the mice will play.
fut hundët punët e tjerëveto poke one's nose into other people's affairs
kimi squfur {m} <S>sulfur <S> [Am.]
kimi squfur {m} <S>sulphur <S> [Br.]
kimi sulfur {m} <S> [squfur]sulfur <S> [Am.]
s'pranojto decline
jug {m}south <S>
Ikim!Let's go!
mundetit's possible
bashki {f}mayor's office
deltinë {f}potter's earth
drejtori {f}director's office
duvak {m}bride's veil
floktore {f}barber's shop
hanxhar {m}butcher's knife
vegla majung {m}blacksmith's hammer
sekondë {f}second <s, sec.>
sekretari {f}secretary's office
i sotëm {adj}today's
s'jam dakordto disagree
Ç'kemi?What's up?
çmallemto satisfy one's nostalgia
çorientohemto lose one's bearings
drejtohemto make one's way
duartrokasto clap one's hands
errto breathe one's last
korrigjohemto mend one's ways
krihemto comb one's hair
lyhemto paint one's face
miratojto express one's approval
ndahemto take one's leave
pudrosemto powder one's face
qetësohemto recover one's serenity
rrëfehemto confess one's sins
s'kursehemto spare no pains
shërohemto recover one's health
zhvirgjërohemto lose one's virginity
veshje pizhame {f.pl}PJ's [Am.] [coll.]
Ashtu është!That's correct!
Bën nxehtë.It's hot.
meteo. Është ftohtë.It's cold.
meteo. Është ngricë.It's freezing.
Është urgjente!It's urgent!
meteo. Është vapë.It's hot.
i djeshëm {adj}yesterday's [attr.]
Kaloi koha!Time's up!
për çudito sb.'s surprise
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